Thursday, May 31, 2007

Runs 05/26 - 05/31

05/26 - 6.25 miles (10Km), 51:08 in Traverse City.
A blazing 8:15 minute a mile pace. The course was very pretty, lake michigan on one side and cherry trees and cute houses on the other side. Running together with Yusuf was a big help, and not to mention the adrenaline boost from running with so many people.

05/29 - 4 miles, 39:00.
Was super hot and humid. Starting running at almost an 8 minute mile pace but had to give up after 2 miles due to the heat. Finished the rest of the run with alternating runs and brief walks.

05/30 - 5 miles, 54:00.
Very relaxed run with Wifey. Didn't want to strain myself this week, esp after the fiasco the previous day.

05/31 - 2 miles, 14:45.
Decided to push myself as it was a short run. Imagined myself running the last 2 miles of a half marathon and willed myself to maintain a blistering pace (7:23 per mile). I'm sure we ran faster than this in the last 2 miles of the Traverse City 10K run, but I don't know how we managed it.

BTW, did I mention that after a run, no matter what the distance and time, you feel highly elated. This is referred to as the runners high, and is particularly true if you finish strong.

Also, most of the information on these runs are for archival purposes. Don't feel obligated to read these posts. :))


Unknown said...

Harry your 10 km race pace was really awesome. How did u do that :) I hope we are all able to surprise ourselves again in the Dexter AA half marathon this weekend.

H said...

We have no idea how we did it.

And I have absolutely no idea how PD managed a less than 8 minute a mile pace for the entire half marathon !!

Unknown said...

yeah. thats amazing too. and that was his first race too.