Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dasha Avataar

Jammy's dad made a very interesting observation today:

The Dasha Avataar closely resembles the natural evolutionary sequence.

1. Matsya - The Fish
2. Kurma- The Tortoise
3. Varaha- The Boar
4. Narasimha- The Man-Lion
5. Vamana - The Dwarf
6. Parasurama - The Warrior
7. Sri Rama - The King
8. Sri Krishna - The Cowherd
9. Buddha - The Teacher
10. Kalki - The Slayer

There are two arguments that can be made based on this observation.
1. Maybe we can learn something about our future evolutionary form by looking at the avtaar that is yet to occur (The Slayer!! Seems like a bleak future for Humankind, and probably obvious).
2. In those days when Science was not an established discipline, the only way to pass on scientific information is by making up stories and incorporating it into the religious texts.

So maybe our forefathers were onto something.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have also observed many such correlations between ancient Hindu stories and modern science.
this topic deserves a round of 3036 discussion :)